Homework 1
Assignments Homework
There are three primary purposes for this homework:
Practice restructuring data in a format that would be appropriate for multilevel modeling in R via the {lme4} package
Fitting models you are already familiar with through R, rather than through HLM or other proprietary software.
Creating a few basic plots of the model results
Getting started
Create a new RStudio project for this homework. Create a folder for the data and place “longitudinal-sim.csv” in that folder. Create a new R markdown file to complete the lab. You can use whatever basic format you’d like, but please make it clear which question you are addressing, in each code chunk, keep text outside of code chunks (unless there are specific parts of the code you’d like to comment), and avoid printing large output. In other words, you can do whatever exploratory work you need to do, but please remove (or comment out) any code that ends up printing anything that is not directly related to your response (e.g., a data frame).
Part 1: Data structuring
Read in the “longitudinal-sim.csv” file. It should look like the below.
## # A tibble: 22,500 x 12
## distid scid sid g3_fall g3_winter g3_spring g4_fall g4_winter g4_spring
## <dbl> <chr> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 1 1-1 1-1-1 203.0107 202.4761 212.2639 205.3442 214.2586 220.2867
## 2 1 1-1 1-1-2 195.4607 197.2084 198.3835 202.8677 202.5952 214.1419
## 3 1 1-1 1-1-3 176.7393 186.8664 194.8692 188.0653 195.2954 203.0824
## 4 1 1-1 1-1-4 177.4862 189.6411 185.9529 184.8689 184.6891 201.9689
## 5 1 1-1 1-1-5 177.8235 191.6727 190.3565 194.1273 197.9155 201.9845
## 6 1 1-1 1-1-6 199.6338 200.5751 212.9278 200.3407 215.8191 230.8688
## 7 1 1-1 1-1-7 191.6022 192.1096 209.7669 204.0859 207.3352 215.3286
## 8 1 1-1 1-1-8 178.1014 200.9007 198.3188 202.6612 209.3969 213.9135
## 9 1 1-1 1-1-9 195.4754 191.6468 203.9326 195.2835 207.3704 206.8144
## 10 1 1-1 1-1-10 213.4238 207.6226 215.9710 207.8315 214.3541 232.6554
## # … with 22,490 more rows, and 3 more variables: g5_fall <dbl>,
## # g5_winter <dbl>, g5_spring <dbl>
Each row in this dataset represents a student (sid
) nested in a school (scid
) nested in a school district (distid
). The remaining columns represent scores from a seasonally-administered benchmark assessment (administered in the fall, winter, and spring) across Grades 3-5.
Restructure this dataset so you could use the {lme4} package to fit a growth model with random intercepts and slopes for students and grade-level fixed effects. Code time by wave (e.g., fall, winter, spring = 0, 1, 2).
Note: Depending on your comfort level with R, this may be quite challenging. Please make sure to work with your group members and/or check in with me. The important part is that you understand how to do this, not neccessarily that you complete it this one time. There are also lots of different ways to do this, so don’t get too hung up on one “correct” way.
Part 2: Model fit and evaluation
Part A
Fit the following models with student-level random effects (i.e., ignoring any potential school- or district-level variability for now):
- Unconditional growth model with random intercepts and parallel slopes
- Conditional growth model with random intercepts, parallel slopes, and grade-level fixed effects
- Unconditional growth model with random intercepts and random slopes
- Conditional growth model with random intercepts, random slopes, and grade-level fixed effects
Note when I ran models 3 and 4 I did run into some convergence warnings. You can safely ignore these, or you can use a different optimizer to get rid of them by adding control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")
. The {lme4} package has several possible optimizer and, in this case, the default optimizer did not quite reach its tolerance for convergence, while most of the others do.
Part B
Compare the performance of the four models you fit in the previous section. Which model displays the best fit to the data? Make a determination and provide a brief writup, using evidence to justify your selection.
Part C
Provide a brief writeup interpreting the model you selected from above. Be sure to interpret both the fixed effects and random effects. I’m looking for a “plain English” description. It does not necessarily need to be APA style, but plain English and APA are also not mutually exclusive, so you could. Please make sure to also include confidence intervals in your interpretation.
Part 3: Plots of the model fit
Plot the predicted values for student ID’s 1-1-1, 1-1-2, and 1-1-3, relative to their observed data points. Use facet wrapping to place them all in the same plot. The end result should look similar to the below, which shows this relation for student IDS 1-1-4, 1-1-5, and 1-1-6. Note that my plot has some styling added to it which you can feel free to ignore (I just can’t help myself).