class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Wrapping up ## Loose ends and more content than we’ll get to ### Daniel Anderson ### Week 10 --- layout: true <script> feather.replace() </script> <div class="slides-footer"> <span> <a class = "footer-icon-link" href = ""> <i class = "footer-icon" data-feather="download"></i> </a> <a class = "footer-icon-link" href = ""> <i class = "footer-icon" data-feather="link"></i> </a> <a class = "footer-icon-link" href = ""> <i class = "footer-icon" data-feather="globe"></i> </a> <a class = "footer-icon-link" href = ""> <i class = "footer-icon" data-feather="github"></i> </a> </span> </div> --- # Agenda * Review Homework 3 * RQ to models practice * Finishing up the last bits from last time * Quick discussion on missing data * Cross-classified models + And a brief foray into multiple membership models Bonus info for you if you want to cover on your own * Fitting a 1PL model through a mixed effects framework --- class: inverse-blue middle # Review Homework 3 --- class: inverse-blue middle # Research Questions to models --- # Data Read in the `alcohol-adolescents.csv` data.
```r library(tidyverse) alc <- read_csv(here::here("data", "alcohol-adolescents.csv")) ``` --- # Data ```r alc ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 246 x 6 ## id age coa male alcuse peer ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 14 1 0 1.732051 1.264911 ## 2 1 15 1 0 2 1.264911 ## 3 1 16 1 0 2 1.264911 ## 4 2 14 1 1 0 0.8944272 ## 5 2 15 1 1 0 0.8944272 ## 6 2 16 1 1 1 0.8944272 ## 7 3 14 1 1 1 0.8944272 ## 8 3 15 1 1 2 0.8944272 ## 9 3 16 1 1 3.316625 0.8944272 ## 10 4 14 1 1 0 1.788854 ## # … with 236 more rows ``` --- # RQ 1
> Does alcohol use increase with age? -- Actually no *one* right answer, but some are more correct than others. --- # How I would start * First, estimate the model that makes the most theoretical sense, to me - random intercepts and slopes + If that model fits fine, just go forward with it and interpret + If that model does *not* fit well (i.e., convergence warnings), contrast that model with one that constrains the slope to be constant across partcipants --- # Theoretical model ```r library(lme4) alc <- alc %>% mutate(age_c = age - 14) rq1a <- lmer(alcuse ~ age_c + (1 + age_c | id), data = alc) ``` --- # Model summary ```r summary(rq1a) ``` ``` ## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] ## Formula: alcuse ~ age_c + (1 + age_c | id) ## Data: alc ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 643.2 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -2.48287 -0.37933 -0.07858 0.38876 2.49284 ## ## Random effects: ## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. Corr ## id (Intercept) 0.6355 0.7972 ## age_c 0.1552 0.3939 -0.23 ## Residual 0.3373 0.5808 ## Number of obs: 246, groups: id, 82 ## ## Fixed effects: ## Estimate Std. Error t value ## (Intercept) 0.65130 0.10573 6.160 ## age_c 0.27065 0.06284 4.307 ## ## Correlation of Fixed Effects: ## (Intr) ## age_c -0.441 ``` --- # RQ 2
> Do children of alcoholics have higher levels of alcohol use? -- Keyword here: **levels** This implies a change in the intercept, not the slope -- ```r rq2 <- lmer(alcuse ~ age_c + coa + (1 + age_c | id), data = alc) ``` --- # RQ 3
> Do male children of alcoholics have higher alcohol use than female children of alcoholics? -- Important - we're specifically interested in `coa == 1` cases. **However**: We have to model main effects for `coa` and `male` to get at `male:coa`. -- ```r rq3 <- lmer(alcuse ~ age_c + coa + male + coa:male + (1 + age_c | id), data = alc) ``` --- # RQ 4
> Do adolescents' alcohol use trajectories differ between males and females? -- ```r rq4 <- lmer(alcuse ~ age_c + male + age_c:male + (1 + age_c | id), data = alc) ``` --- # RQ 5
> Does the trajectory of alcohol use differ for male children of alcoholics than female children of alcoholics? -- Three-way interaction ```r rq5 <- lmer(alcuse ~ age_c + coa + male + age_c:male + age_c:coa + coa:male + age_c:male:coa + (1 + age_c | id), data = alc) ``` --- # Alternative syntax This syntax also includes the `coa:male` interaction ```r rq5b <- lmer(alcuse ~ age_c * coa * male + (1 + age_c | id), data = alc) ``` --- ```r arm::display(rq5) ``` ``` ## lmer(formula = alcuse ~ age_c + coa + male + age_c:male + age_c:coa + ## coa:male + age_c:male:coa + (1 + age_c | id), data = alc) ## coef.est ## (Intercept) 0.42 0.19 ## age_c 0.22 0.12 ## coa 0.76 0.29 ## male -0.22 0.27 ## age_c:male 0.15 0.17 ## age_c:coa -0.23 0.18 ## coa:male 0.00 0.40 ## age_c:coa:male 0.32 0.25 ## ## Error terms: ## Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr ## id (Intercept) 0.72 ## age_c 0.37 -0.20 ## Residual 0.58 ## --- ## number of obs: 246, groups: id, 82 ## AIC = 653.4, DIC = 597.1 ## deviance = 613.3 ``` --- ```r arm::display(rq5b) ``` ``` ## lmer(formula = alcuse ~ age_c * coa * male + (1 + age_c | id), ## data = alc) ## coef.est ## (Intercept) 0.42 0.19 ## age_c 0.22 0.12 ## coa 0.76 0.29 ## male -0.22 0.27 ## age_c:coa -0.23 0.18 ## age_c:male 0.15 0.17 ## coa:male 0.00 0.40 ## age_c:coa:male 0.32 0.25 ## ## Error terms: ## Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr ## id (Intercept) 0.72 ## age_c 0.37 -0.20 ## Residual 0.58 ## --- ## number of obs: 246, groups: id, 82 ## AIC = 653.4, DIC = 597.1 ## deviance = 613.3 ``` --- # New data
Load in the `three-lev.csv` data -- ```r threelev <- read_csv(here::here("data", "three-lev.csv")) threelev ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 7,230 x 12 ## schid sid size lowinc mobility female black hispanic retained grade year math ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 2020 273026452 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 1 0 2 0.5 1.146 ## 2 2020 273026452 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 1 0 3 1.5 1.134 ## 3 2020 273026452 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 1 0 4 2.5 2.3 ## 4 2020 273030991 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 0 0 0 -1.5 -1.303 ## 5 2020 273030991 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 0 0 1 -0.5 0.439 ## 6 2020 273030991 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 0 0 2 0.5 2.43 ## 7 2020 273030991 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 0 0 3 1.5 2.254 ## 8 2020 273030991 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 0 0 4 2.5 3.873 ## 9 2020 273059461 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 1 0 0 -1.5 -1.384 ## 10 2020 273059461 380 40.3 12.5 0 0 1 0 1 -0.5 0.338 ## # … with 7,220 more rows ``` --- # RQ 1 > To what extent do math scores, and changes in math scores, vary between students versus between schools?
-- This is complicated -- Two part analysis - first estimate the model, then compute the ICC for the intercept and the ICC for the slope -- ## The model ```r rq1_math <- lmer(math ~ 1 + year + (year | sid) + (year | schid), data = threelev) ``` --- # Variances ```r ``` ``` ## grp var1 var2 vcov sdcor ## 1 sid (Intercept) <NA> 0.64047114 0.8002944 ## 2 sid year <NA> 0.01125765 0.1061021 ## 3 sid (Intercept) year 0.04678624 0.5509911 ## 4 schid (Intercept) <NA> 0.16857056 0.4105735 ## 5 schid year <NA> 0.01126367 0.1061304 ## 6 schid (Intercept) year 0.01734150 0.3979749 ## 7 Residual <NA> <NA> 0.30143334 0.5490295 ``` --- # Proportions ```r %>% mutate(prop = vcov / sum(vcov)) ``` ``` ## grp var1 var2 vcov sdcor prop ## 1 sid (Intercept) <NA> 0.64047114 0.8002944 0.535008142 ## 2 sid year <NA> 0.01125765 0.1061021 0.009403910 ## 3 sid (Intercept) year 0.04678624 0.5509911 0.039082201 ## 4 schid (Intercept) <NA> 0.16857056 0.4105735 0.140812939 ## 5 schid year <NA> 0.01126367 0.1061304 0.009408942 ## 6 schid (Intercept) year 0.01734150 0.3979749 0.014485963 ## 7 Residual <NA> <NA> 0.30143334 0.5490295 0.251797903 ``` --- # Plot ```r %>% mutate(prop = vcov / sum(vcov)) %>% ggplot(aes(grp, prop)) + geom_col(aes(fill = var1)) ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.png)<!-- --> --- # RQ 2
> What is the average difference in math scores among students coded Black or Hispanic, versus those who are not? -- ```r rq2_math <- lmer(math ~ year + black + hispanic + (year | sid) + (year | schid), data = threelev, control = lmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")) ``` --- # Last one
> To what extent do the differences in gains between students coded Black or Hispanic, versus those who are not, vary between schools? -- Note - this is a model that is difficult to fit. Bayes might help. -- ```r rq3_math <- lmer(math ~ year + black + hispanic + year:black + year:hispanic + (year | sid) + (year + year:black + year:hispanic | schid), data = threelev) ``` --- Low variance components make convergence difficult ```r arm::display(rq3_math) ``` ``` ## lmer(formula = math ~ year + black + hispanic + year:black + ## year:hispanic + (year | sid) + (year + year:black + year:hispanic | ## schid), data = threelev) ## coef.est ## (Intercept) -0.36 0.08 ## year 0.78 0.02 ## black -0.59 0.08 ## hispanic -0.38 0.09 ## year:black -0.05 0.02 ## year:hispanic 0.04 0.03 ## ## Error terms: ## Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr ## sid (Intercept) 0.79 ## year 0.10 0.56 ## schid (Intercept) 0.34 ## year 0.11 0.39 ## year:black 0.07 -0.40 -0.46 ## year:hispanic 0.06 0.03 -0.38 0.90 ## Residual 0.55 ## --- ## number of obs: 7230, groups: sid, 1721; schid, 60 ## AIC = 16327.4, DIC = 16229.3 ## deviance = 16258.4 ``` --- class: inverse-blue middle # Finishing up from last class --- # Reminder Lung cancer data: Patients nested in doctors ```r hdp <- read_csv("") %>% janitor::clean_names() %>% select(did, tumorsize, pain, lungcapacity, age, remission) hdp ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 8,525 x 6 ## did tumorsize pain lungcapacity age remission ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 67.98120 4 0.8010882 64.96824 0 ## 2 1 64.70246 2 0.3264440 53.91714 0 ## 3 1 51.56700 6 0.5650309 53.34730 0 ## 4 1 86.43799 3 0.8484109 41.36804 0 ## 5 1 53.40018 3 0.8864910 46.80042 0 ## 6 1 51.65727 4 0.7010307 51.92936 0 ## 7 1 78.91707 3 0.8908539 53.82926 0 ## 8 1 69.83325 3 0.6608795 46.56223 0 ## 9 1 62.85259 4 0.9088714 54.38936 0 ## 10 1 71.77790 5 0.9593268 50.54465 0 ## # … with 8,515 more rows ``` --- # Predict remission Build a model where age, lung capacity, and tumor size predict whether or not the patient was in remission. * Build the model so you can evaluate whether or not the relation between the tumor size and likelihood of remission depends on age * Allow the intercept to vary by the doctor ID. * Fit the model using **brms** --- # Lung cancer remission model ```r library(brms) lc <- brm( remission ~ age * tumorsize + lungcapacity + (1|did), data = hdp, family = bernoulli(link = "logit"), cores = 4, backend = "cmdstan" ) ``` ``` ## - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / - \ | / Running MCMC with 4 parallel chains... ## ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1 / 2000 [ 0%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1 / 2000 [ 0%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1 / 2000 [ 0%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1 / 2000 [ 0%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 100 / 2000 [ 5%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 100 / 2000 [ 5%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 100 / 2000 [ 5%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 100 / 2000 [ 5%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 200 / 2000 [ 10%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 200 / 2000 [ 10%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 200 / 2000 [ 10%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 200 / 2000 [ 10%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 300 / 2000 [ 15%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 300 / 2000 [ 15%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 300 / 2000 [ 15%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 300 / 2000 [ 15%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 400 / 2000 [ 20%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 400 / 2000 [ 20%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 400 / 2000 [ 20%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 400 / 2000 [ 20%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 500 / 2000 [ 25%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 500 / 2000 [ 25%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 500 / 2000 [ 25%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 500 / 2000 [ 25%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 600 / 2000 [ 30%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 600 / 2000 [ 30%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 600 / 2000 [ 30%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 600 / 2000 [ 30%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 700 / 2000 [ 35%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 700 / 2000 [ 35%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 700 / 2000 [ 35%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 700 / 2000 [ 35%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 800 / 2000 [ 40%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 800 / 2000 [ 40%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 800 / 2000 [ 40%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 800 / 2000 [ 40%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 900 / 2000 [ 45%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 900 / 2000 [ 45%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 900 / 2000 [ 45%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 900 / 2000 [ 45%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%] (Warmup) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%] (Warmup) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%] (Warmup) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1000 / 2000 [ 50%] (Warmup) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1001 / 2000 [ 50%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1100 / 2000 [ 55%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1100 / 2000 [ 55%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1100 / 2000 [ 55%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1100 / 2000 [ 55%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1200 / 2000 [ 60%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1300 / 2000 [ 65%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1300 / 2000 [ 65%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1300 / 2000 [ 65%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1300 / 2000 [ 65%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1400 / 2000 [ 70%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1500 / 2000 [ 75%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1600 / 2000 [ 80%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1700 / 2000 [ 85%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1700 / 2000 [ 85%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1700 / 2000 [ 85%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1700 / 2000 [ 85%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1800 / 2000 [ 90%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 1900 / 2000 [ 95%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 Iteration: 1900 / 2000 [ 95%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 Iteration: 1900 / 2000 [ 95%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 Iteration: 1900 / 2000 [ 95%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%] (Sampling) ## Chain 3 finished in 307.4 seconds. ## Chain 1 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%] (Sampling) ## Chain 1 finished in 308.9 seconds. ## Chain 2 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%] (Sampling) ## Chain 2 finished in 310.6 seconds. ## Chain 4 Iteration: 2000 / 2000 [100%] (Sampling) ## Chain 4 finished in 315.4 seconds. ## ## All 4 chains finished successfully. ## Mean chain execution time: 310.6 seconds. ## Total execution time: 315.8 seconds. ``` --- # Variance by Doctor Let's look at the relation between age and probability of remission for each of the first nine doctors. -- ```r library(tidybayes) pred_age_doctor <- expand.grid( did = 1:9, age = 20:80, tumorsize = mean(hdp$tumorsize), lungcapacity = mean(hdp$lungcapacity) ) %>% add_fitted_draws(model = lc, n = 100) ``` --- ```r pred_age_doctor ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 54,900 x 9 ## # Groups: did, age, tumorsize, lungcapacity, .row [549] ## did age tumorsize lungcapacity .row .chain .iteration .draw .value ## <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> ## 1 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 7 0.06478647 ## 2 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 13 0.1094038 ## 3 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 99 0.07673222 ## 4 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 113 0.06245461 ## 5 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 121 0.02183182 ## 6 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 122 0.1088385 ## 7 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 141 0.08642317 ## 8 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 183 0.04355602 ## 9 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 224 0.2211663 ## 10 1 20 70.88067 0.7740865 1 NA NA 288 0.08792308 ## # … with 54,890 more rows ``` --- ```r ggplot(pred_age_doctor, aes(age, .value)) + geom_line(aes(group = .draw), alpha = 0.2) + facet_wrap(~did) ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-25-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Look at our variables ```r get_variables(lc) ``` ``` ## [1] "b_Intercept" "b_age" "b_tumorsize" "b_lungcapacity" "b_age:tumorsize" "sd_did__Intercept" ## [7] "Intercept" "r_did[1,Intercept]" "r_did[2,Intercept]" "r_did[3,Intercept]" "r_did[4,Intercept]" "r_did[5,Intercept]" ## [13] "r_did[6,Intercept]" "r_did[7,Intercept]" "r_did[8,Intercept]" "r_did[9,Intercept]" "r_did[10,Intercept]" "r_did[11,Intercept]" ## [19] "r_did[12,Intercept]" "r_did[13,Intercept]" "r_did[14,Intercept]" "r_did[15,Intercept]" "r_did[16,Intercept]" "r_did[17,Intercept]" ## [25] "r_did[18,Intercept]" "r_did[19,Intercept]" "r_did[20,Intercept]" "r_did[21,Intercept]" "r_did[22,Intercept]" "r_did[23,Intercept]" ## [31] "r_did[24,Intercept]" "r_did[25,Intercept]" "r_did[26,Intercept]" "r_did[27,Intercept]" "r_did[28,Intercept]" "r_did[29,Intercept]" ## [37] "r_did[30,Intercept]" "r_did[31,Intercept]" "r_did[32,Intercept]" "r_did[33,Intercept]" "r_did[34,Intercept]" "r_did[35,Intercept]" ## [43] "r_did[36,Intercept]" "r_did[37,Intercept]" "r_did[38,Intercept]" "r_did[39,Intercept]" "r_did[40,Intercept]" "r_did[41,Intercept]" ## [49] "r_did[42,Intercept]" "r_did[43,Intercept]" "r_did[44,Intercept]" "r_did[45,Intercept]" "r_did[46,Intercept]" "r_did[47,Intercept]" ## [55] "r_did[48,Intercept]" "r_did[49,Intercept]" "r_did[50,Intercept]" "r_did[51,Intercept]" "r_did[52,Intercept]" "r_did[53,Intercept]" ## [61] "r_did[54,Intercept]" "r_did[55,Intercept]" "r_did[56,Intercept]" "r_did[57,Intercept]" "r_did[58,Intercept]" "r_did[59,Intercept]" ## 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# A tibble: 4,000 x 8 ## .chain .iteration .draw b_Intercept b_age b_tumorsize b_lungcapacity `b_age:tumorsize` ## <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 1 1 5.42858 -0.119206 -0.0544173 -0.362963 0.000883342 ## 2 1 2 2 4.46859 -0.100647 -0.0450108 -0.341147 0.000686135 ## 3 1 3 3 1.96492 -0.0468593 -0.0102471 -0.0702373 -0.000100602 ## 4 1 4 4 0.917227 -0.0301529 0.00952746 -0.0681794 -0.00045534 ## 5 1 5 5 1.53674 -0.0396987 -0.00207063 -0.067519 -0.000231016 ## 6 1 6 6 0.881689 -0.0345708 0.00102342 0.0516893 -0.000215422 ## 7 1 7 7 1.64537 -0.0490206 -0.00906014 0.144082 -0.0000381692 ## 8 1 8 8 1.38195 -0.0418099 -0.00452064 -0.0829176 -0.000118016 ## 9 1 9 9 0.580196 -0.0293446 0.00953349 -0.214873 -0.000299422 ## 10 1 10 10 3.48012 -0.0843227 -0.0282885 0.226778 0.000286907 ## # … with 3,990 more rows ``` --- # Data ```r age <- 35 tumor_size <- 58 lung_cap <- 0.81 ``` -- Population-level predictions (there's other ways we could do this, but it's good to remind ourselves the "by hand" version too) ```r pop_level <- fe$b_Intercept + (fe$b_age * age) + (fe$b_tumorsize * tumor_size) + (fe$b_lungcapacity * lung_cap) + (fe$`b_age:tumorsize` * (age * tumor_size)) pop_level ``` ``` ## [1] -0.400649170 -0.548156420 -0.530601573 -0.565097334 -0.496463910 -0.664368967 -0.556616176 -0.650329356 -0.675796370 -0.345796110 -0.220703360 ## [12] -0.273899070 -0.164508090 -0.505821720 -0.786540482 -0.641475783 -0.729599967 -0.682317970 -0.655076620 -0.688422860 -0.376667380 -0.204903298 ## [23] -0.276976520 -0.574581568 -0.613817338 -0.457796800 -0.571542413 -0.215873270 -0.390511370 -0.688152020 -0.455349140 -0.315346911 -0.512989300 ## [34] -0.394965420 -0.272091990 -0.233677040 -0.145021650 -0.203014758 -0.183764710 -0.278536550 -0.181634380 -0.266059696 -0.455146828 -0.371576567 ## [45] -0.336482186 -0.669924550 -0.404196743 -0.444949890 -0.527445799 -0.393590465 -0.510502935 -0.558348474 -0.611188560 -0.609102980 -0.552765323 ## [56] -0.687053742 -0.717599319 -0.320627736 -0.566979022 -0.750385008 -0.434146624 -0.605748530 -0.395129009 -0.722624360 -0.366559911 -0.498482117 ## [67] -0.361466579 -0.454320530 -0.695275430 -0.327491690 -0.699877210 -0.648048410 -0.582501470 -0.727999660 -0.540643810 -0.639119230 -0.537731467 ## [78] -0.534623838 -0.392257258 -0.636703666 -0.339796006 -0.503746806 -0.636242720 -0.498137280 -0.700199592 -0.657733420 -0.610232197 -0.597943932 ## [89] -0.726239759 -0.421292220 -0.246458520 -0.337559855 -0.466843460 -0.137523754 -0.422676080 -0.249349500 -0.605182628 -0.231496790 -0.097505142 ## [100] -0.343801196 -0.263980024 -0.233516836 -0.286142031 -0.173861173 -0.188169444 -0.303025280 -0.032030403 -0.220309850 -0.232198760 -0.569226610 ## [111] -0.276779560 -0.416181050 -0.513572690 -0.553591230 -0.383143408 -0.455397395 -0.294004800 -0.287911180 -0.750913889 -0.482584865 -0.280293270 ## [122] -0.419912460 -0.497267460 -0.752613303 -0.762468564 -0.811679146 -0.472403280 -0.629187705 -0.692160511 -0.636007950 -0.556165568 -0.333276159 ## [133] -0.184457560 -0.110240520 -0.592849956 -0.379310790 -0.632538686 -0.349918793 -0.283377533 -0.200275843 -0.337674390 -0.384618969 -0.530156450 ## [144] -0.235519500 -0.425610052 -0.216854550 -0.256291660 -0.442811110 -0.274071231 -0.233626365 -0.175077490 -0.420423827 -0.142113530 -0.127813000 ## [155] -0.192821748 -0.526777810 -0.470034302 -0.418321510 -0.342233425 -0.446490500 -0.672814190 -0.263030610 -0.253975820 -0.494459150 -0.042397740 ## [166] -0.098761040 -0.266945882 -0.484075070 -0.587978770 -0.489440546 -0.482986944 -0.465884600 -0.096774206 -0.589693990 -0.514907174 -0.546068370 ## [177] -0.444208850 -0.678808696 -0.582087640 -0.457163094 -0.620135730 -0.548393908 -0.656352616 -0.601464380 -0.618336179 -0.683800078 -0.520241363 ## [188] -0.510682373 -0.567875110 -0.493480830 -0.556140334 -0.484403090 -0.708244830 -0.361461670 -0.483136344 -0.563771650 -0.293549266 -0.599080620 ## [199] -0.439578000 -0.476518090 -0.339541300 -0.567153785 -0.577976190 -0.491558986 -0.597674189 -0.528232260 -0.789822866 -0.412859940 -0.506318800 ## [210] -0.568033920 -0.709689180 -0.629946580 -0.558956683 -0.381128410 -0.345745570 -0.519005497 -0.453566195 -0.427913650 -0.657492740 -0.764623220 ## [221] -0.403500760 -0.378605098 -0.400736644 -0.359818358 -0.638074178 -0.439748870 -0.468947074 -0.352140100 -0.429509055 -0.538888884 -0.632757935 ## [232] -0.545479545 -0.544267040 -0.431984980 -0.390400630 -0.481067680 -0.619330659 -0.894500506 -0.334125085 -0.748613205 -0.569310228 -0.434831810 ## [243] -0.352281370 -0.561997741 -0.290861816 -0.433829791 -0.489476470 -0.635792846 -0.534782281 -0.533142688 -0.559287542 -0.661736550 -0.299543496 ## [254] -0.257730670 -0.354417643 -0.753819380 -0.389839339 -0.460313492 -0.307565738 -0.622154840 -0.479978040 -0.482922798 -0.772672923 -0.476916610 ## [265] -0.708744980 -0.559365322 -0.704364700 -0.409778980 -0.624927135 -0.399139126 -0.405146588 -0.506358050 -0.405103074 -0.480418503 -0.589490620 ## [276] -0.456212740 -0.305062017 -0.404094841 -0.323605880 0.045329230 -0.379168722 -0.526575810 -0.454566440 -0.443256780 -0.641608243 -0.698302880 ## [287] -0.564627530 -0.423616046 -0.611965186 -0.648255250 -0.394377130 -0.740395869 -0.300188773 -0.327572080 -0.386176050 -0.300323910 -0.355447020 ## [298] -0.553153200 -0.461874635 -0.342880860 -0.378370097 -0.459946440 -0.417662460 -0.267415990 -0.365536480 -0.530489239 -0.605929932 -0.502403600 ## [309] -0.642126265 -0.490539665 -0.566497244 -0.437266490 -0.308180250 -0.419428380 -0.155743960 -0.328806570 -0.608592040 -0.236346398 -0.582906559 ## [320] -0.654138795 -0.613598003 -0.542439290 -0.285669199 -0.675333716 -0.329189559 -0.511355302 -0.557850824 -0.427583600 -0.580947190 -0.491400039 ## [331] -0.475511683 -0.568146465 -0.344819860 -0.614445404 -0.719698680 -0.293191880 -0.698203350 -0.354556579 -0.428343720 -0.312109350 -0.414847118 ## [342] -0.168118540 -0.392295237 -0.338308160 -0.284403631 -0.480786950 -0.693700539 -0.327745208 -0.638420878 -0.267827270 -0.205584650 -0.438577840 ## [353] -0.727853940 -0.561525501 -0.552455120 -0.469068310 -0.474874480 -0.548947370 -0.419293410 -0.322006377 -0.201100620 -0.093800720 -0.238475350 ## [364] -0.265195160 -0.311731156 -0.435253489 -0.202841100 -0.533999580 -0.417169700 -0.377753480 -0.654115510 -0.104062710 -0.190376930 -0.402292140 ## [375] -0.418426118 -0.275388830 -0.227262050 -0.280687270 -0.367984910 -0.183319770 -0.007264098 -0.096811290 -0.215860660 -0.130297640 -0.183630140 ## [386] -0.198312380 -0.577452788 -0.180311920 -0.558406140 -0.400926496 -0.417880485 -0.378693350 -0.445091352 -0.454437524 -0.233878910 -0.225909100 ## [397] -0.255525712 -0.367465690 -0.385366930 -0.482649302 -0.758117140 -0.504234170 -0.600306940 -0.540933480 -0.498496360 -0.432594898 -0.242141164 ## [408] -0.413760510 -0.507706626 -0.531098800 -0.391302482 -0.191577260 -0.061849800 -0.194930870 -0.297269215 -0.458989837 -0.171697206 -0.167128180 ## [419] -0.318776409 -0.512359394 -0.394426660 -0.320670500 -0.555739913 -0.568208094 -0.626846305 -0.681367150 -0.394558490 -0.268698725 -0.232360236 ## [430] -0.161236837 -0.349186860 -0.265890770 -0.314474100 -0.431511670 -0.227335901 -0.417871610 -0.472181773 -0.335758265 -0.571938906 -0.619151053 ## [441] -0.557645511 -0.763246258 -0.488016788 -0.451866390 -0.625667710 -0.413880892 -0.570468620 -0.186087240 -0.545170858 -0.632513998 -0.630178080 ## [452] -0.539907520 -0.725021300 -0.498250612 -0.566659805 -0.670559950 -0.339739290 -0.293468390 -0.664254969 -0.621559928 -0.491867769 -0.764686020 ## [463] -0.610544774 -0.674888622 -0.257444124 -0.484777340 -0.436602910 -0.440213423 -0.490206860 -0.470335270 -0.714676530 -0.567003900 -0.412001126 ## [474] -0.424820845 -0.531595960 -0.517873504 -0.468073751 -0.517430213 -0.280402200 -0.486713746 -0.555527650 -0.661969663 -0.775726310 -0.442118250 ## [485] -0.521893260 -0.437583929 -0.492164871 -0.311701228 -0.345844840 -0.418295633 -0.430895250 -0.527248790 -0.222535600 -0.296124867 -0.261954262 ## [496] -0.439051422 -0.388819830 -0.497986480 -0.507848277 -0.541291980 -0.777091924 -0.293792634 -0.463545138 -0.250086597 -0.406059172 -0.499645814 ## [507] -0.396161974 -0.293766973 -0.170887075 -0.597236613 -0.729486800 -0.352659016 -0.050892300 -0.425226280 -0.498033460 -0.111896190 -0.202634945 ## [518] -0.412666700 -0.498851920 -0.197408290 -0.706957480 -0.760794550 -0.675023080 -0.622399280 -0.594468366 -0.443515745 -0.492007245 -0.410421319 ## [529] -0.532689839 -0.582932890 -0.780821890 -0.832204589 -0.774849890 -0.674743624 -0.341067895 -0.172593500 -0.101943400 -0.272058129 -0.219886600 ## [540] -0.158479166 -0.314123793 -0.509055220 -0.411807690 -0.188653753 -0.056500327 -0.071296050 -0.563878317 -0.536439088 -0.555655310 -0.183550780 ## [551] -0.337437512 -0.481362650 -0.224269384 -0.206933750 -0.241354510 -0.257079213 0.071426914 -0.579425140 -0.336005300 -0.360261710 -0.329678078 ## [562] -0.573453550 -0.544088070 -0.241598590 -0.353160620 -0.324634400 -0.525225130 -0.698469130 -0.811520100 -0.484320380 -0.406120170 -0.432119410 ## [573] -0.830096633 -0.478114462 -0.490004960 -0.397325174 -0.612548834 -0.332679200 -0.349292602 -0.470376370 -0.429495500 -0.313588504 -0.295238032 ## [584] -0.419262990 -0.396212379 -0.401741564 -0.272097940 -0.495632710 -0.540815428 -0.563073324 -0.473583034 -0.321547260 -0.455841369 -0.451252872 ## [595] -0.408369543 -0.447111110 -0.534860595 -0.550440594 -0.654053272 -0.289423310 -0.456853820 -0.502451770 -0.230975073 -0.420630188 -0.430613400 ## [606] -0.643020936 -0.307831872 -0.448557720 -0.420799046 -0.377986733 -0.229628640 -0.270418923 -0.208753881 -0.453813781 -0.641687101 -0.401505894 ## [617] -0.566157590 -0.149189248 -0.213319252 -0.415699689 -0.212954320 -0.798144766 -0.617633800 -0.515462248 -0.332516351 -0.546854260 -0.372998430 ## [628] -0.698467540 -0.390204220 -0.363271880 -0.289090429 -0.104798600 -0.001310409 -0.455654260 -0.597405142 -0.509213638 -0.481339320 -0.410391000 ## [639] -0.283276060 -0.482653720 -0.291311820 -0.127802140 -0.253612380 -0.344326353 -0.474444856 -0.254837180 -0.409049087 -0.256853350 -0.236738980 ## [650] -0.246068667 -0.504758050 -0.441247240 -0.249725710 -0.248071666 -0.334610741 -0.099376380 -0.237671910 -0.192749004 -0.177994220 -0.286501900 ## [661] -0.376740130 -0.318407210 -0.525148350 -0.437265860 -0.493354832 -0.573574420 -0.553769396 -0.399982630 -0.394562202 -0.421673160 -0.316397880 ## [672] -0.364705694 -0.338700250 -0.354331297 -0.155571850 -0.711699500 -0.698265185 -0.310253290 -0.290834819 -0.256667690 -0.252584660 -0.658249360 ## [683] -0.601109980 -0.522455771 -0.727923400 -0.264090770 -0.273555610 -0.333960910 -0.269574490 -0.629687400 -0.474618119 -0.381780800 -0.323293910 ## [694] -0.377459640 -0.247196237 -0.585836510 -0.576474557 -0.410631840 -0.517714597 -0.243031910 -0.345779922 -0.452710657 -0.273762816 -0.318338320 ## [705] -0.335733600 -0.577219760 -0.491409558 -0.442086620 -0.438600600 -0.421928506 -0.297823536 -0.327041158 -0.355197794 -0.051137076 -0.353718770 ## [716] -0.442112643 -0.299483129 -0.560832140 -0.598332860 -0.419798380 -0.372946550 -0.546518210 -0.474653100 -0.424513830 -0.339915820 -0.466266050 ## [727] -0.418886130 -0.269096750 -0.441293520 -0.382426530 -0.286564399 -0.160431539 -0.562035720 -0.402267880 -0.635643340 -0.495331068 -0.461405210 ## [738] -0.500835260 -0.344654030 -0.271054910 -0.389202503 -0.490084910 -0.412716070 -0.509191637 -0.483107038 -0.381242960 -0.449640720 -0.218809210 ## [749] -0.336881710 -0.216061832 -0.204070390 -0.337209970 -0.386444960 -0.197177959 -0.358340781 -0.417889367 -0.599563290 -0.640522200 -0.260670200 ## [760] -0.217066520 -0.336431620 -0.295897830 -0.550083060 -0.694274429 -0.689812810 -0.447461360 -0.209645600 -0.431500480 -0.503396900 -0.318371990 ## [771] -0.374558120 -0.377241475 -0.341293069 -0.219982230 -0.358334380 -0.428225700 -0.573135930 -0.548659540 -0.530192620 -0.698215580 -0.486480840 ## [782] -0.292892145 -0.090415415 -0.464001088 -0.461043470 -0.372778421 -0.433174704 -0.530039650 -0.793809970 -0.668267520 -0.798465220 -0.394810780 ## [793] -0.616772360 -0.520586062 -0.482716548 -0.188173040 -0.496278131 -0.481497390 -0.591774010 -0.410886397 -0.149240331 -0.111665266 -0.233938620 ## [804] -0.149136978 -0.313818570 -0.557459630 -0.196040833 -0.306646730 -0.333133085 -0.366021900 -0.311938550 -0.235910490 -0.343918510 -0.322717140 ## [815] -0.419738282 -0.248630470 -0.564370970 -0.523834824 -0.443765400 -0.410608042 -0.500153567 -0.510730040 -0.351680557 -0.175499822 -0.301668757 ## [826] -0.270964974 -0.358150567 -0.303199863 -0.268672115 -0.297534728 -0.250162270 -0.465268184 -0.302521240 -0.413297720 -0.899366160 -0.749663260 ## [837] -0.812177490 -0.605904210 -0.566500500 -0.556802504 -0.526278232 -0.111746319 -0.323026772 -0.355729803 -0.538080910 -0.455716047 -0.259072993 ## [848] -0.269404033 -0.346585590 -0.263733270 -0.242170560 -0.283107640 -0.406385210 -0.311194350 -0.531103840 -0.617519156 -0.368744260 -0.598699360 ## [859] -0.539240920 -0.537783657 -0.333762490 -0.412108290 -0.357758246 -0.328603459 -0.240855984 -0.049896140 -0.255521780 -0.417530430 -0.322010346 ## [870] -0.249250050 -0.246893953 -0.381736249 -0.259369157 -0.439738298 -0.325141170 -0.086054736 -0.156740040 -0.223647770 -0.441732800 -0.352710480 ## [881] -0.469320791 -0.536869329 -0.502338507 -0.438074480 -0.447929615 -0.528310927 -0.766797779 -0.338437066 -0.201393380 -0.351651460 -0.456395311 ## [892] -0.608107250 -0.573260190 -0.361135410 -0.558541930 -0.389841945 -0.551656610 -0.632961130 -0.180036365 -0.235444925 -0.482375275 -0.529977320 ## [903] -0.533778389 -0.616013580 -0.920932230 -0.599693020 -0.652267395 -0.761873290 -0.769476960 -0.657775780 -0.527387626 -0.291910325 -0.328579732 ## [914] -0.240224257 -0.400291863 -0.298506984 -0.321136510 -0.400663820 -0.180676660 -0.520290927 -0.292328011 -0.525941285 -0.368725900 -0.374598878 ## [925] -0.223856550 -0.501244710 -0.234560650 -0.338450370 -0.258506740 -0.542715040 -0.387152600 -0.579475540 -0.421962890 -0.411797150 -0.293626301 ## [936] -0.329830910 -0.288969830 -0.125361620 -0.187621503 -0.550841466 -0.411523570 -0.429196624 -0.474083469 -0.428257296 -0.384163522 -0.460986040 ## [947] -0.525654280 -0.604416009 -0.497500660 -0.385821815 -0.727306351 -0.557767536 -0.428750051 -0.696497521 -0.563040032 -0.586066234 -0.597437800 ## [958] -0.437735406 -0.441873670 -0.697801635 -0.834843540 -0.664305660 -0.712805760 -0.624161400 -0.628154010 -0.688781540 -0.455268360 -0.336192508 ## [969] -0.453272450 -0.433895820 -0.389228650 -0.373178940 -0.401526010 -0.461350538 -0.094635754 -0.276743850 -0.233175625 -0.516766681 -0.336118760 ## [980] -0.484906016 -0.381328261 -0.282499098 -0.499161220 -0.337716004 -0.483572486 -0.351755708 -0.290827456 -0.316920820 -0.396101823 -0.366105387 ## [991] -0.284001170 -0.424119550 -0.463104670 -0.773033622 -0.725296690 -0.724969380 -0.366602030 -0.442873242 -0.548111482 -0.629405443 ## [ reached getOption("max.print") -- omitted 3000 entries ] ``` --- # Plot population level ```r pd <- tibble(population_level = pop_level) ggplot(pd, aes(population_level)) + geom_histogram(fill = "#61adff", color = "white") + geom_vline(xintercept = median(pd$population_level), color = "magenta", size = 2) ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-30-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Add in did estimates ```r dids <- spread_draws(lc, r_did[did, ]) did1 <- filter(dids, did == 1) did2 <- filter(dids, did == 2) pred_did1 <- pop_level + did1$r_did pred_did2 <- pop_level + did2$r_did ``` --- # Distributions ```r did12 <- tibble(did = rep(1:2, each = length(pred_did1)), pred = c(pred_did1, pred_did2)) did12_medians <- did12 %>% group_by(did) %>% summarize(did_median = median(pred)) did12_medians ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 2 x 2 ## did did_median ## <int> <dbl> ## 1 1 -3.216032 ## 2 2 0.3734396 ``` --- # Plot ```r ggplot(did12, aes(pred)) + geom_histogram(fill = "#61adff", color = "white") + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = did_median), data = did12_medians, color = "magenta", size = 2) + facet_wrap(~did, ncol = 1) ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-33-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Transform Let's look at this again on the probability scale using `brms::inv_logit_scaled()` to make the transformation. -- ```r ggplot(did12, aes(inv_logit_scaled(pred))) + geom_histogram(fill = "#61adff", color = "white") + geom_vline(aes(xintercept = inv_logit_scaled(did_median)), data = did12_medians, color = "magenta", size = 2) + facet_wrap(~did, ncol = 1) ``` --- ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-35-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Difference * The difference in the probability of remission for our theoretical patient is large between the two doctors. * The median difference in log-odds is ```r diff(did12_medians$did_median) ``` ``` ## [1] 3.589472 ``` --- # Exponentiation We can exponentiate the log-odds to get normal odds These are fairly interpretable (especially when greater than 1) ```r # probability inv_logit_scaled(did12_medians$did_median) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.03856683 0.59228985 ``` ```r # odds exp(did12_medians$did_median) ``` ``` ## [1] 0.0401139 1.4527229 ``` ```r # odds of the difference exp(diff(did12_medians$did_median)) ``` ``` ## [1] 36.21495 ``` --- class: middle We estimate that our theoretical patient is about 36 times **more likely** (!) to go into remission if they had `did` 2, instead of 1. --- # Confidence in difference? ### Everything is a distribution Just compute the difference in these distributions, and we get a new distribution, which we can use to summarize our uncertainty -- ```r did12_wider <- tibble( did1 = pred_did1, did2 = pred_did2 ) %>% mutate(diff = did2 - did1) did12_wider ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4,000 x 3 ## did1 did2 diff ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 -4.732689 1.005471 5.73816 ## 2 -4.845796 0.8612836 5.70708 ## 3 -2.986972 0.4373794 3.424351 ## 4 -0.9940453 0.1152017 1.109247 ## 5 -5.773234 0.1754881 5.948722 ## 6 -3.162519 0.6139410 3.77646 ## 7 -3.306486 0.6795638 3.98605 ## 8 -5.793359 0.3006396 6.093999 ## 9 -4.294496 -0.07275537 4.221741 ## 10 -1.697236 0.8960439 2.59328 ## # … with 3,990 more rows ``` --- # Summarize ```r qtile_diffs <- quantile(did12_wider$diff, probs = c(0.025, 0.5, 0.975)) exp(qtile_diffs) ``` ``` ## 2.5% 50% 97.5% ## 4.796723 36.883655 600.266651 ``` --- # Plot distribution Show the most likely 95% of the distribution ```r # filter a few extreme observations did12_wider %>% filter(diff > qtile_diffs[1] & diff < qtile_diffs[3]) %>% ggplot(aes(exp(diff))) + geom_histogram(fill = "#61adff", color = "white", bins = 100) ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-40-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Directionality Let's say we want to simplify the question to directionality. -- Is there a greater chance of remission for `did` 2 than 1? -- ```r table(did12_wider$diff > 0) / 4000 ``` ``` ## ## TRUE ## 1 ``` -- The distributions are not overlapping at all - therefore, we are as certain as we can be that the odds of remission are higher with `did` 2 than 1. --- # One more quick example Let's do the same thing, but comparing `did` 2 and 3. ```r did3 <- filter(dids, did == 3) pred_did3 <- pop_level + did3$r_did did23 <- did12_wider %>% select(-did1, -diff) %>% mutate(did3 = pred_did3, diff = did3 - did2) did23 ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 4,000 x 3 ## did2 did3 diff ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1.005471 0.8228108 -0.18266 ## 2 0.8612836 0.8277436 -0.03354000 ## 3 0.4373794 1.004198 0.566819 ## 4 0.1152017 1.194783 1.079581 ## 5 0.1754881 1.432726 1.257238 ## 6 0.6139410 1.354041 0.7401000 ## 7 0.6795638 2.767964 2.0884 ## 8 0.3006396 1.548721 1.248081 ## 9 -0.07275537 2.912974 2.985729 ## 10 0.8960439 -0.06564811 -0.961692 ## # … with 3,990 more rows ``` --- # Directionality ```r table(did23$diff > 0) / 4000 ``` ``` ## ## FALSE TRUE ## 0.1415 0.8585 ``` So there's roughly an 86% chance that the odds of remission are higher with with `did` 3 than 2. --- # Plot data ```r pd23 <- did23 %>% pivot_longer(did2:diff, names_to = "Distribution", values_to = "Log-Odds") pd23 ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 12,000 x 2 ## Distribution `Log-Odds` ## <chr> <dbl> ## 1 did2 1.005471 ## 2 did3 0.8228108 ## 3 diff -0.18266 ## 4 did2 0.8612836 ## 5 did3 0.8277436 ## 6 diff -0.03354000 ## 7 did2 0.4373794 ## 8 did3 1.004198 ## 9 diff 0.566819 ## 10 did2 0.1152017 ## # … with 11,990 more rows ``` --- ```r ggplot(pd23, aes(`Log-Odds`)) + geom_histogram(fill = "#61adff", color = "white") + facet_wrap(~Distribution, ncol = 1) ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-45-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Probability scale ```r pd23 %>% mutate(Probability = inv_logit_scaled(`Log-Odds`)) %>% ggplot(aes(Probability)) + geom_histogram(fill = "#61adff", color = "white") + facet_wrap(~Distribution, ncol = 1) ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-46-1.png)<!-- --> --- class: inverse-red middle # Break
--- class: inverse-blue middle # Missing data --- # Disclaimer * Missing data is a **massive** topic * I'm hoping/assuming you've covered it some in other classes * This is mostly about implementation options --- # Missing data on the DV * Mostly what we tend to talk about in classes * Also regularly the least problematic * If we can assume MAR (missing at random conditional on covariates), most modern models do a pretty good job --- # Missing data on the IVs * Much more problematic, no matter the model or application * Remove all cases with any missingness on any IV? + Limits your sample size + Might (probably?) introduces new sources of bias * Impute? + Often ethical challenges here - do you really want to impute somebody's gender? --- background-image: url( background-size: contain --- # Solution? * There really isn't a great one. Be clear about the decisions you do make. * If you do choose imputation, use multiple imputation + This will allow you to have uncertainty in your imputation * The purpose is to get unbiased population estimates for your parameters (not make inferences about an individual for whom data were imputed) --- # Missing IDs * In multilevel models, you always have IDs linking the data to the higher levels * If you are missing these IDs, I'm not really sure what to tell you + This is particularly common with longitudinal data (e.g., missing prior school IDs) + In rare cases, you can make assumptions and impute, but those are few and far between, in my experience, and the assumptions are still pretty dangerous --- # Let's do it ### Multiple imputation This part is general, and not specific to multilevel modeling -- First, install/load the **{mice}** package (you might also check out **{Amelia}**) ```r library(mice) ``` --- # Data We'll impute data from the `nhanes` dataset, which comes with **{mice}** ```r head(nhanes) ``` ``` ## age bmi hyp chl ## 1 1 NA NA NA ## 2 2 22.7 1 187 ## 3 1 NA 1 187 ## 4 3 NA NA NA ## 5 1 20.4 1 113 ## 6 3 NA NA 184 ``` --- # How much missingness A lot ```r #install.packages("naniar") naniar::vis_miss(nhanes) ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-49-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Multiple imputation * First, we're going to create 5 new dataset, each one with the missing data imputed ```r mi_nhanes <- mice(nhanes, m = 5, print = FALSE) ``` --- # MI for BMI ```r mi_nhanes$imp$bmi ``` ``` ## 1 2 3 4 5 ## 1 30.1 22.7 35.3 30.1 30.1 ## 3 27.2 22.0 33.2 29.6 26.3 ## 4 22.5 24.9 27.4 21.7 21.7 ## 6 22.5 20.4 22.5 21.7 20.4 ## 10 27.4 25.5 27.2 20.4 33.2 ## 11 20.4 27.5 22.5 29.6 22.5 ## 12 25.5 27.5 24.9 27.5 33.2 ## 16 27.2 25.5 27.4 35.3 22.0 ## 21 22.5 35.3 35.3 30.1 30.1 ``` --- # Fit model w/brms Now just feed the **{mice}** object to `brms::brm_multiple()` as your data. Note - this is considerably easier than it is with **lme4**, but it is do-able ```r m_mice <- brm_multiple(bmi ~ age * chl, data = mi_nhanes) ``` --- # Alternative * A neat thing we can do with Bayes, is to impute *on the fly* using the posterior * We still get uncertainty because of the repeated samples we're taking from the posterior anyway * With **{brms}**, we can do this by just passing a slightly more complicated formula --- # Missing formula We specify a model for each column that has missingness -- We have missing data in `bmi` and `chl` (not `age`). -- `bmi` is our outcome, and it will be modeled by `age` and the *complete* (missing data imputed) `chl` variable, as well as their interaction -- The missing data in `chl` will be imputed via a model with `age` as its predictor! We're basically fitting two models at once. --- # In Code The `| mi()` part says to include missing data ```r bayes_impute_formula <- bf(bmi | mi() ~ age * mi(chl)) + # base model bf(chl | mi() ~ age) + # model for chl missingness set_rescor(FALSE) # we don't estimate the residual correlation ``` --- # Fit ```r m_onfly <- brm(bayes_impute_formula, data = nhanes) ``` --- # Comparison Multiple imputation before modeling ```r conditional_effects(m_mice, "age:chl", resp = "bmi") ``` <img src="img/mice_results.png" width="50%" height="50%" /> --- # Comparison Imputation during modeling ```r conditional_effects(m_onfly, "age:chl", resp = "bmi") ``` <img src="img/onfly_results.png" width="50%" height="50%" /> --- class: inverse-blue middle # Cross classified models --- # Nested model ![](img/nested.png) --- # Crossed ![](img/crossed.png) --- # Fitting models ## First, look at the data ```r library(lme4) Penicillin <- Penicillin %>% arrange(sample) head(Penicillin) ``` ``` ## diameter plate sample ## 1 27 a A ## 2 27 b A ## 3 25 c A ## 4 26 d A ## 5 25 e A ## 6 24 f A ``` --- # Nested model ```r nested1 <- lmer(diameter ~ 1 + (1 | sample), data = Penicillin) ``` --- # Nested image ```r library(sundry) pull_residual_vcov(nested1) %>% image() ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-61-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Crossed model ```r Penicillin <- Penicillin %>% arrange(plate) crossed1 <- lmer(diameter ~ 1 + (1 | sample) + (1|plate), data = Penicillin) pull_residual_vcov(crossed1) %>% image() ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-62-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Closer look ```r pull_residual_vcov(crossed1)[1:12, 1:12] %>% image() ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-63-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Second example ```r data(Oxide, package = "nlme") head(Oxide) ``` ``` ## Grouped Data: Thickness ~ 1 | Lot/Wafer ## Source Lot Wafer Site Thickness ## 1 1 1 1 1 2006 ## 2 1 1 1 2 1999 ## 3 1 1 1 3 2007 ## 4 1 1 2 1 1980 ## 5 1 1 2 2 1988 ## 6 1 1 2 3 1982 ``` --- # Nested This data actually are nested ```r nested2 <- lmer(Thickness ~ 1 + (1|Lot/Wafer), data = Oxide) pull_residual_vcov(nested2) %>% image() ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-65-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Errant crossing ```r crossed2 <- lmer(Thickness ~ 1 + (1|Lot) + (1|Wafer), data = Oxide) pull_residual_vcov(crossed2) %>% image() ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-66-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Fix I tend to like to fix the *data*, so the model is the same regardless of the model syntax. -- ```r Oxide <- Oxide %>% mutate(Wafer = paste0(Lot, Wafer)) nested3 <- lmer(Thickness ~ 1 + (1|Lot) + (1|Wafer), data = Oxide) pull_residual_vcov(nested3) %>% image() ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-67-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Compare ### Nested syntax ```r summary(nested2) ``` ``` ## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] ## Formula: Thickness ~ 1 + (1 | Lot/Wafer) ## Data: Oxide ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 454 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -1.8746 -0.4991 0.1047 0.5510 1.7922 ## ## Random effects: ## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ## Wafer:Lot (Intercept) 35.87 5.989 ## Lot (Intercept) 129.91 11.398 ## Residual 12.57 3.545 ## Number of obs: 72, groups: Wafer:Lot, 24; Lot, 8 ## ## Fixed effects: ## Estimate Std. Error t value ## (Intercept) 2000.153 4.232 472.6 ``` --- # Compare ### Explicit IDs ```r summary(nested3) ``` ``` ## Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod'] ## Formula: Thickness ~ 1 + (1 | Lot) + (1 | Wafer) ## Data: Oxide ## ## REML criterion at convergence: 454 ## ## Scaled residuals: ## Min 1Q Median 3Q Max ## -1.8746 -0.4991 0.1047 0.5510 1.7922 ## ## Random effects: ## Groups Name Variance Std.Dev. ## Wafer (Intercept) 35.87 5.989 ## Lot (Intercept) 129.91 11.398 ## Residual 12.57 3.545 ## Number of obs: 72, groups: Wafer, 24; Lot, 8 ## ## Fixed effects: ## Estimate Std. Error t value ## (Intercept) 2000.153 4.232 472.6 ``` --- class: inverse-red middle # Switching schools See [this]( paper for more complete information --- # The data Primary and secondary schools ```r achievement <- read_csv(here::here("data", "pupils.csv")) achievement ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1,000 x 8 ## PUPIL primary_school_id secondary_school_id achievement sex ses primary_denominational secondary_denominational ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <chr> <chr> <chr> <chr> ## 1 1 1 2 6.6 female highest no no ## 2 2 1 1 5.7 male lowest no yes ## 3 3 1 17 4.5 male 2 no no ## 4 4 1 3 4.4 male 2 no no ## 5 5 1 4 5.8 male 3 no yes ## 6 6 1 4 5 female 4 no yes ## 7 7 1 4 4.9 male 3 no yes ## 8 8 1 17 5.3 female 2 no no ## 9 9 1 14 9 male highest no yes ## 10 10 1 22 5.4 male lowest no no ## # … with 990 more rows ``` --- # About the data Students transitioned from primary to secondary schools We don't know how long they spent in each It's logical to assume that scores would vary across both primary and secondary schools How do we model this? Cross-classified model! --- ```r ccrem <- lmer(achievement ~ 1 + (1|primary_school_id) + (1|secondary_school_id), data = achievement) arm::display(ccrem) ``` ``` ## lmer(formula = achievement ~ 1 + (1 | primary_school_id) + (1 | ## secondary_school_id), data = achievement) ## coef.est ## 6.35 0.08 ## ## Error terms: ## Groups Name Std.Dev. ## primary_school_id (Intercept) 0.41 ## secondary_school_id (Intercept) 0.26 ## Residual 0.72 ## --- ## number of obs: 1000, groups: primary_school_id, 50; secondary_school_id, 30 ## AIC = 2329.1, DIC = 2314.6 ## deviance = 2317.8 ``` --- # Random effects Note that each random effect would be added to each person's score. This is a little complicated. ```r str(ranef(ccrem)) ``` ``` ## List of 2 ## $ primary_school_id :'data.frame': 50 obs. of 1 variable: ## ..$ (Intercept): num [1:50] -0.38 0.209 0.528 0.523 0.312 ... ## ..- attr(*, "postVar")= num [1, 1, 1:50] 0.0264 0.0241 0.026 0.023 0.0304 ... ## $ secondary_school_id:'data.frame': 30 obs. of 1 variable: ## ..$ (Intercept): num [1:30] -0.3854 0.0802 -0.0141 -0.1074 0.1071 ... ## ..- attr(*, "postVar")= num [1, 1, 1:30] 0.0165 0.0148 0.0169 0.0139 0.0151 ... ## - attr(*, "class")= chr "ranef.mer" ``` --- # Image ```r pull_residual_vcov(ccrem) %>% image() ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-73-1.png)<!-- --> --- # Zoomed in ```r pull_residual_vcov(ccrem)[1:50, 1:50] %>% image() ``` ![](w10p1_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-74-1.png)<!-- --> --- class: inverse-orange middle # Multiple membership models --- # MM alternative If we use **{brms}** instead, we can estimate a *multiple membership* model. In this case, we would estimate a single random component for *school*, which would be a weighted component of each school the student attended --- # Fitting MM ```r mm_brms <- brm( achievement ~ 1 + (1 | mm(primary_school_id, secondary_school_id)), data = achievement ) ``` --- ```r summary(mm_brms) ``` ![](img/mm.png) --- # More complications What if we knew how long they spent in each school? Let's pretend we do? -- Create new columns for the prortion of time spent in each school. I'll just do this randomly. --- # Random proportion variables ```r set.seed(42) achievement <- achievement %>% mutate(primary_school_time = abs(rnorm(1000)), secondary_school_time = abs(rnorm(1000))) %>% rowwise() %>% mutate(tot = primary_school_time + secondary_school_time, primary_school_time = primary_school_time / tot, secondary_school_time = secondary_school_time / tot) %>% ungroup() achievement %>% select(PUPIL, ends_with("time")) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 1,000 x 3 ## PUPIL primary_school_time secondary_school_time ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 0.3709286 0.6290714 ## 2 2 0.5186330 0.4813670 ## 3 3 0.2722384 0.7277616 ## 4 4 0.6266984 0.3733016 ## 5 5 0.2887215 0.7112785 ## 6 6 0.1508292 0.8491708 ## 7 7 0.9014468 0.09855322 ## 8 8 0.03131154 0.9686885 ## 9 9 0.7041820 0.2958180 ## 10 10 0.07281342 0.9271866 ## # … with 990 more rows ``` --- # Include the weights ```r mm_brms2 <- brm( achievement ~ 1 + (1 | mm(primary_school_id, secondary_school_id, weights = cbind(primary_school_time, secondary_school_time))), data = achievement) ``` --- ```r summary(mm_brms2) ``` ![](img/weighted-mm.png) --- class: inverse-blue middle # One PL IRT model --- # More info We won't really be able to get too far. Here's some additional resources * [Paper]( on using **{lme4}** to fit a multilevel Rasch model * [Paper]( on the equivalence of multilevel logistic regression and Rasch models. * [Chapter]( contrasting some of what we'll go through here. --- # The idea * Students respond to a set of items, each scored correct/incorroct (0/1) * Each item has a different difficulty * Each person has a different ability * Treat items as fixed effects and people as random effects --- # The data A rural subsample of 8445 women from the Bangladesh Fertility Survey of 1989 The dimension of interest is women's mobility of social freedom. --- # Items Women were asked whether they could engage in the following activities alone (1 = yes, 0 = no): * Item 1: Go to any part of the village/town/city * Item 2: Go outside the village/town/city * Item 3: Talk to a man you do not know * Item 4: Go to a cinema/cultural show * Item 5: Go shopping * Item 6: Go to a cooperative/mothers' club/other club * Item 7: Attend a political meeting * Item 8: Go to a health centre/hospital --- # Read in the data ```r mobility <- read_csv(here::here("data", "mobility.csv")) mobility ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 8,445 x 9 ## id `Item 1` `Item 2` `Item 3` `Item 4` `Item 5` `Item 6` `Item 7` `Item 8` ## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 ## 2 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 6 6 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 7 7 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 8 8 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 9 9 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## 10 10 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ## # … with 8,435 more rows ``` --- # Restructuring * The format the data came in with is common for item response data. * This won't work for `lme4` -- * Move to long --- ```r mobility_l <- mobility %>% pivot_longer(-id, names_to = "item", values_to = "response") mobility_l ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 67,560 x 3 ## id item response ## <dbl> <chr> <dbl> ## 1 1 Item 1 1 ## 2 1 Item 2 1 ## 3 1 Item 3 1 ## 4 1 Item 4 1 ## 5 1 Item 5 0 ## 6 1 Item 6 0 ## 7 1 Item 7 0 ## 8 1 Item 8 0 ## 9 2 Item 1 0 ## 10 2 Item 2 0 ## # … with 67,550 more rows ``` --- # Estimate the model ```r onepl <- glmer(response ~ 0 + item + (1|id), data = mobility_l, family = binomial(link = "logit"), control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa")) ``` --- # Item estimates ```r library(ltm) ltm_onepl <- rasch(mobility[ ,-1]) tibble( lme4_ests = fixef(onepl), ltm_ests = ltm_onepl$coefficients[ ,1] ) ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 8 x 2 ## lme4_ests ltm_ests ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 2.547100 2.523787 ## 2 -1.396082 -1.389602 ## 3 2.082769 2.063258 ## 4 -0.9773621 -0.9687520 ## 5 -4.591452 -4.626544 ## 6 -3.712541 -3.731430 ## 7 -5.069683 -5.105589 ## 8 -4.184125 -4.212841 ``` --- # Person estimates ```r ltm_theta <- factor.scores(ltm_onepl, resp.patterns = mobility[ ,-1]) ltm_discrim <- unique(ltm_onepl$coefficients[ ,2]) lme4_theta <- ranef(onepl)$id theta_compare <- tibble( ltm_theta = ltm_discrim*ltm_theta$score.dat$z1, lme4_theta = lme4_theta[ ,1] ) theta_compare ``` ``` ## # A tibble: 8,445 x 2 ## ltm_theta lme4_theta ## <dbl> <dbl> ## 1 1.959870 1.942168 ## 2 -3.364090 -3.346008 ## 3 -3.364090 -3.346008 ## 4 -3.364090 -3.346008 ## 5 -3.364090 -3.346008 ## 6 -3.364090 -3.346008 ## 7 -0.4733693 -0.4751684 ## 8 -3.364090 -3.346008 ## 9 -3.364090 -3.346008 ## 10 -1.879762 -1.878805 ## # … with 8,435 more rows ``` --- # Discrimination estimate ```r unique(ltm_onepl$coefficients[ ,2]) ``` ``` ## [1] 2.498525 ``` ```r VarCorr(onepl) ``` ``` ## Groups Name Std.Dev. ## id (Intercept) 2.4567 ``` --- # Extensions Thinking about an IRT model through this framework allows us to extend the model easily - we could incorporate higher levels, more predictors, etc. --- class: inverse-green middle # That's it! Thanks so much for a great term